How blogs Make Money: 10 Monetization methods For 2019

When people find out we’re professional bloggers, they always wonder how blogs make money, and how they can build a blog to the point that it can actually earn a good living. And, fair enough, those are terrific questions. 

Of course the prospect of heaps of money while sitting on a laptop in Fiji is bound to top people’s interest!

It’s been calculated that nearly 23% of the time spent on the Internet is on blogs and social networks. While the top-earning blogs online (like The Huffington Post) can earn upwards of $2.3 million per month, numerous people, including numerous bloggers, still don’t know exactly how blogs make money. 

But, numerous of those people are simply blogging as a hobby and have no drive to turn it into a full-time career.

If you’re interested in how blogs make money, and you want to turn your site from a hobby blog to a career, then you’ve come to the best place. We’ve monetized this blog in just about every way possible, without splattering ads absolutely all over and bothersome our cherished readers.

Here we’ll discuss how blogs make money in 2019 and beyond and how you can monetize your blog in a way that’s good for you, your readers and the companies you partner with.

If you’re interested in starting your own blog, or you already have one and you want to figure out how to monetize it, then this guide ought to help you out on your journey.

Spring naar:

First You need a Blog

Next You’ll need an Audience

How much money Do blogs Make?

How blogs Make Money

On-Page Advertising

Direct Advertising

Product verkoop


Affiliate Marketing

Press Trips

Keynote Speaking

Selling Memberships


Host Twitter Chats


First You need a Blog

If you want a blog that can earn money and you care about how blogs make money, then I’m assuming you already have a blog, but if you don’t, you can start one in about 5 minutes. You can blog about whatever you want. pretty much any topic can be profitable in the blogging world and I’ll discuss how a little later in this post.

You can blog about parenting, fitness, technology, conspiracies, politics, travel, LGTBQ, cooking, martial arts… you get the point. As this post discusses how blogs make money, I think you’ll rapidly realize that it doesn’t always matter what the topic is, you can make pretty much any blog profitable if you’re passionate and well-informed about the topic, and you put in the effort.

Next, You’ll need an Audience

This is the hard part. starting a blog is easy, but building up an audience takes work, focus and time. I’m going to show you how blogs make money in this post, but please don’t be fooled into thinking that blogging is some kind of get rich quick scheme.

It took us over a year to start making money from this blog, and it wasn’t until our third year that its income surpassed what we were making at our jobs in Canada.

But building a blog can be fun, so it doesn’t have to feel like work the whole time. If you’re writing about something you enjoy, then spending a couple of hours per day on the computer will feel like a break, rather than a job. but you’ll need to be consistent and put in the time to build your readership.

Obviously, an audience is the backbone of every blog. The much more people who read your blog, the much more opportunities you’ll have to monetize your blog and turn it into a career. fortunately there’s a proven way to get much more traffic to your site quickly.

It’s called SEO or search Engine Optimization. simply writing messages on your blog isn’t going to guarantee you traffic and readers. You’re going to need to think like Google. SEO is the practice of writing terrific content that your readers and Google will love. It’s actually not that hard.

We have an SEO course that can walk you through the steps, but essentially you’ll want to write long (3,000+ word) articles that extensively cover different topics in your niche. You’ll then want to market that content on social media and you’ll want to build backlinks to it by writing guest posts, being featured on big sites and running collaborative posts.

This will exponentially help your traffic grow. If we had our SEO course when we were starting out, I’m pretty sure we would’ve figured out how blogs make money within 6 months, rather than a year. Basically, with SEO you can jump-start your traffic and make money faster. 

See Also: how We Tripled Our blog traffic & Doubled Our income in 12 Months

How much money Do blogs Make?

Some of the top bloggers out there are earning upwards of $3 million per year. According to Bloggingbasics101 only 14% of bloggers are actually making any money and of those, the average wage is around $24,000 USD per year. 

We’ve written extensively about how much this blog makes in the past, and we know of numerous bloggers who are earning much more than $20,000 / month from their blogs. The amount of money a blog can make depends on how you monetize your site, what your niche is and how much traffic you have. 

The terrific thing is that once you figure out how blogs make money and you monetize your own site accordingly, the sky is the limit. There’s not really a cap on how much you can earn because there are so numerous different money-making methods you can employ on a site (as you’re going to see in this post).

For much more info on how blogs make money, check out Our blogging Section. If you want to know how to make money online in other ways, check out our Make money For travel Section.

How blogs Make money in 2019

Now that you have a blog and you know the easiest way to grow it, it’s time to start talking about how blogs make money in 2019 — which is an vital element in taking your hobby blog and turning it into a full-time business. 

The essential is to diversify.

The best blogs out there have figured out numerous different ways to monetize and make money from their content. never keep all of your eggs in one basket. the best way blogs make money is through the diversification of income streams.

Here’s how blogs make money in 2019
On-Page Advertising

We’ve all seen ads plastered over sites in the past. Some blogs overdo it and it can become incredibly distracting, while some won’t even let you view the site unless you turn off your ad-blocker.

Whether you like seeing ads with your content or not, this is how blogs make money and it’s a terrific way to easily monetize your blog traffic. 

Basically, once you have enough traffic on your blog, you can flick a switch and automatically show ads on your pages. We use Mediavine on this site and they take ads from Google and from hundreds of other companies and ad networks and automatically place them on our blog.

When we reached a certain amount of traffic (Mediavine has a minimum of 25,000 sessions per month) we simply installed a plugin, activated it, signed a couple of files online and our site magically had ads on it.

We then chose where we wanted the ads to show up.

We have our ads set to very low because we don’t want them to take away from the user experience, but even set to low we still earn upwards of $4,000 / month from these ads alone. If you were to reach the bare minimum of 25,000 sessions per month and turn Mediavine ads on on your blog, you could expect to earn $300 – $700 / month from those ads, depending on your niche and how numerous ads you run.

Without a doubt on-page advertising is the easiest way to monetize the traffic you already have. once they’re turned on, bloggers can earn money in their sleep.

See Also: how blogs Make $900+ / Month From In-Content Ads

If you want to make much more money from ads, then you will need much more traffic. usually with on-page advertising, the much more traffic you have, the much more you can earn. consider utilizing SEO to increase your traffic.

Direct Advertising

This is when a company, brand, tourism board, or individual contacts you (usually through email) and asks to advertise on your site directly. direct advertising can come in the form of paid reviews, sponsored content or sponsored social sharing and it can be very lucrative.

When we were first trying to figure out how blogs make money back in 2012, this was the first method we employed. We didn’t have enough traffic to turn on Mediavine ads, but we had enough that some advertisers saw the worth of our blog.

At that time we were paid around $150 – $250 for each post that was placed on the blog. All we had to do was cut and paste the short article they wrote and hit publish. We were making up to $250 for 10 minutes of work.

Does this sound too good to be true? Wel het is.

Google doesn’t like this form of advertising, so we don’t recommend running sponsored messages on your blog as a main source of income. It’s horrible for SEO and Google can actually penalize your site for doing it and take away all of your traffic. I’m not saying you need to stop all direct advertising all together, but there’s a better way to do it.

The best way to work with companies on direct advertising is through longer partnerships with “no-follow” links. We talk about this aVeel veel meer in onze SEO -cursus, maar in wezen zolang bedrijven niet betalen voor links op uw site om hun SEO te vergroten, zou u in orde moeten zijn.

Het wordt niet aanbevolen om veel gesponsorde berichten op uw site te publiceren, omdat Google u kan bestraffen omdat u ze op een spamse manier kan doen. Om een ​​probleem met Google te voorkomen, accepteert u alleen berichten in uw niche, staat u alleen merken ankertekst toe (dwz:, houdt u alle links niet door en accepteert u nooit gok- of casino-links.

Product verkoop

Voor degenen die niet gewoon willen weten hoe blogs in 2019 geld verdienen, maar ook willen dat hun blog geld verdient voor de nabije toekomst, dan het hebben van een product om te verkopen de juiste keuze.

Hier zijn een paar voorbeelden van welke producten u kunt verkopen en hoe blogs geld verdienen via productverkoop:

Multimedia-cursussen: dit is een manier waarop we erachter kwamen hoe blogs geld verdienen en omdat we 2017 onze eigen cursussen hebben verkocht. Er zijn veel verschillende manieren om geld te verdienen met uw blog door multimedia-cursussen te verkopen, maar een van de gemakkelijkste methoden is om aan te melden voor leerzaam.

Lerbaar is een online platform dat vrij gemakkelijk met uw blog kan integreren. Het leidt je door de stappen van het bouwen van een cursus, inclusief het maken van video -tutorials, het organiseren van modules, het maken van PDF -downloads en werkbladen en behandelt zelfs het transactionele gedeelte zodat je eenvoudig je cursussen kunt verkopen en geld kunt verdienen.

E-boeken: omdat e-boeken zo goedkoop zijn (de meeste kiezen voor $ 5-$ 10 op Amazon), is het geen verrassing dat veel mensen niet begrijpen hoe blogs geld verdienen door e-boeken te verkopen. Maar het kan echt een winstgevende manier zijn om geld te verdienen met uw blog. Als u een expert bent in uw onderwerp, kunt u er waarschijnlijk 20.000 – 50.000 woorden op schrijven.

Als dit het geval is, kunt u een volledig gratis online tool genaamd Canva gebruiken om eenvoudig een professioneel ogende site te ontwerpen. Zodra het allemaal is samengesteld met hoofdstukken, nuttige inhoud en foto’s, kunt u het verkopen. De beste manier om boeken te verkopen is op Amazon, of je kunt het op je eigen blog verkopen en veel meer van de winst behouden door een programma als E-Junkie te gebruiken.

We hebben onze eBooks zowel via Amazon als via e-Junkie verkocht en we zien dat we veel meer geld verdienen door te verkopen via e-Junkie en Amazon hun (zeer hoge) commissietarief niet te betalen.

T-shirts & Parafernalia: Anderweg hoe blogs geld verdienen, is door het verkopen van T-shirts, pennen, kalenders, rugzakken en allerlei andere merkproducten of op maat gemaakte items. Garb met geiten op de weg verkopen was eigenlijk de eerste manier waarop we geld verdienden van deze blog.

In november 2012 hebben we een online winkel opgezet met behulp van onze blog en Vistaprint en we hebben een reeks producten gemaakt met foto’s van ons en met ons logo erop. In totaal hebben we slechts ongeveer $ 600 verdiend en dat was allemaal van onze gulle vrienden en familie, maar het is nog steeds een geweldige manier om geld te verdienen via je blog.


We hebben nogal wat bloggers ontmoet die goed geld verdienen met één-op-één coaching. Als u weet hoe u de problemen van mensen kunt oplossen en hoe u hen kunt krijgen om hun doelen te bereiken, dan kunt u deze via uw blog trainen.

U moet een verkooppagina op uw blog maken met de verschillende soorten coaching die u aanbiedt met de verschillende beschikbare prijsopties, en dan moet u een kar maken zodat mensen via uw site voor uw services kunnen betalen.

Net als het verkopen van online cursussen, kan dit worden gedaan via leerzaam, of je kunt je WordPress -blog instellen om betalingen te nemen door er een lidmaatschapssite van te maken.

Hoe u ook besluit uw coaching te verkopen, u moet er rekening mee houden dat één-op-één consulting veel van uw tijd in beslag neemt, dus u moet een tarief in rekening brengen waar u tevreden mee bent. M